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The Great Commission of our Lord to preach the gospel to every creature is very important to us, as it should be to every true church. It is our sincere desire to see men and women convicted of their sinful condition and their need of Christ and come to Him for salvation. This comes primarily through preaching “repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 20:21).

The offer of the gospel is full and free to all people. Jesus commands us to preach the gospel to “every creature”. We do not believe there is any inconsistency between God’s absolute sovereignty in the salvation of His chosen people and His command to preach the gospel to everyone, everywhere. The indiscriminate preaching of the gospel to every creature is the very means God uses to bring sinners to Christ.

However, we firmly reject all forms of evangelism that use psychological manipulation, gimmicks, and schemes because they are unbiblical and unnecessary. We also reject the ‘bait and switch’ method of evangelism – that is, contextualizing oneself to a worldly environment in order to gain a hearing with lost people. Christ Himself never did this. He always portrayed Himself for who He was. He never acted irreverent or dressed in a worldly manner or used profane language in order to get sinners to listen to Him or like Him. He wasn’t interested in being ‘cool’. While these methods often result in impressive statistics and ‘decisions’, they often fall short of producing true Biblical conversions. Even though God may work in spite of such unbiblical means, His chosen method of saving the lost is through the faithful and reverent preaching of the gospel (Romans 10:14-151 Corinthians 1:212 Corinthians 2:1-5).

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