Deacons are those men whom the congregation chooses to watch over the church’s physical and temporal concerns. We find the first deacons being ordained in Acts 6 and for the very specific purpose of relieving the elders from having to deal with the physical needs of the people. This, then, allows for the elders to devote themselves more fully to the ministry of the Word and prayer, without distraction. Deacons, therefore, are a tremendous blessing from the Lord not only to the people, but to the pastors. We see in these two offices of elder and deacon the two-fold care and concern of the Good and Great Shepherd, Jesus. Through the ministry of elders, Jesus cares for His church’s spiritual needs, and through the ministry of deacons, Jesus cares for His church’s temporal needs.
Chris Anna
Chris has been a deacon at TRBC since 2014. He is married to Claire. Chris works as a millwright and in his spare time he enjoys relaxing at home with Claire.
Roland Hernandez
Andy Persi

Andy has been a deacon at TRBC since 2020. He works as a Dispatcher and in Customer Service for a company that provides on-site repair, installation, and maintenance for many different types of equipment. In his free time, he is quite active. He enjoys spending time with friends, hiking, camping, backpacking, gardening, cooking, and walking his dog.